ship from USA to Kenya

Submit Your Assisted Shopping (Shop & Ship) Request for a Quote

With assisted purchase or shop & ship option, we do everything for you. We shop and ship on your behalf. 
Please watch this short video

Please Fill Out This Quote Request Form

  • Please copy-paste each link for the items you want to ship here.
  • Do you need more than the above or do you need to add more detailed specs? Please enter here
  • Accepted file types: docx, pdf, xlsx, Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Receiver Information

  • Here, we need your full details as the receiver. This information MUST BE 100% accurate to avoid losing your package
  • We will send a quotation to the email that you are going to provide us with.
  • We may need to reach you regarding your order. Please do not add "0" after country code
    We do ocean freight for large items - heavy and bulky. Take advantage of this to ship mattresses, furniture, etc from the USA.

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1000+ Reviews

Kentex Cargo: Ship From USA to Kenya
Based on 1729 reviews
Desmone BAST
Desmone BAST
Most affordable, Reliable, helpful Team. Greg you have built an incredible team and product. Caroline W. Is an amazing representative of your company. She is a very personable person helping with the delivery process from Nairobi to Mbita. Also Nairobi to Mombasa. Blessings 🙏🏾
Priyen Tanna
Priyen Tanna
The best!Great serviceResponsiveStuck to timeDefinitely using them again and again
David Amayo
David Amayo
Ordered my supreme pro clippers goods were intact am happy with the services looking forward to order more
LHFH Backup Account
LHFH Backup Account
I just want to thank the LORD for Kentex Cargo. My shipment arrived in 2023 but because I was unwell for a long time, I communicated this to them and they patiently kept my parcel for me. A year later, I went and paid and picked it up.They did not inflate the exchange rate even one bit.It is not easy to find businesses with human empathy, and I thank the KENTEX STAFF in Westlands for their great understanding.Thank you so much for your kindness.
Piruu Aziz
Piruu Aziz
I have tried many shipping companies, and non gets even close to Kentex. A well organised company with helpful staff, Jackie is an example, top professional. You get info about your parcel movement and shipping time is acceptable. I have tempted to try other companies, but i keep going back to Kentex. I wish they could start shipping services from the UK and other European countries.An update:Something is going terribly wrong with kentex cargo over the last few weeks. Ths US office communication is the worst i have ever experienced...you will text them for days before you can receive an 'Ok' reply from them. Packages delays is becoming a norm now. Whats going on?
Mutinda Kitana
Mutinda Kitana
My items were delivered in VERY good time and in good condition. It was my first time and I'm extremely pleased!
Adonis Studios Ke
Adonis Studios Ke
Kentex after all came through, Fred was of much help and resolved my issue. I’d definitely vouch for them the reviews were right
polycarp nyakundi
polycarp nyakundi
Shipped a product from the USA that could not be shipped to Kenya.The Shipping process via KENTEX was seamless and the product was carefully packed upon arrival .Kentex staff communicated promptly to me and were very professional .I highly recommend them to any one, I promise you their 5 star reputation precedes them.Thumbs up for me!
Rainer Mbongo
Rainer Mbongo
I have been ordering all my items from US using Kentex. Honestly they are very reliable and I always get my items in perfect condition. They are responsive and answer all the questions I have. Items also get here in good time less than a month on average and are affordable.
Gladys Akoth
Gladys Akoth
Am happy with the service can't wait to do more shipping with you 🙏
Rocketman Codes
Rocketman Codes
Affordable shipping rates! But most importantly I personally give a thumbs up to the customer service, these guys are amazing!
Excellent service and professional and friendly staff from the Mitsumi office, package arrived safely
Wilson Kamau
Wilson Kamau
Enjoyable experience. The staff is kind and efficient. The shipping experience is getting faster at around 8 to 9 days. Satisficed, keep it up.

Please Fill Out This Quote Request Form

  • Please copy-paste each link for the items you want to ship here.
  • Do you need more than the above or do you need to add more detailed specs? Please enter here
  • Accepted file types: docx, pdf, xlsx, Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Receiver Information

  • Here, we need your full details as the receiver. This information MUST BE 100% accurate to avoid losing your package
  • We will send a quotation to the email that you are going to provide us with.
  • We may need to reach you regarding your order. Please do not add "0" after country code
    We do ocean freight for large items - heavy and bulky. Take advantage of this to ship mattresses, furniture, etc from the USA.

Key Benefits of Assisted Purchase:

1️⃣ Online Fraud Protection: We do all your fraud research and carry this risk on your behalf.  You get 100% of what you paid for and ZERO online fraud risk.

2️⃣ Pre-exportation inspection: We inspect your packages for quality and damages before we ship them to you. If we find a problem, we return to the vendor and immediately replace your item with another purchase.

3️⃣ Guaranteed & Insured Delivery: Your packages are 100% insured against any loss or damage before arrival into our warehouse or in transit to you. 

4️⃣ Zero Surprises on Delivery: You get an upfront quotation, all-inclusive. We handle shipping, clearing.

Understanding Costs Implications:

Item cost in the US + Service Charge + Shipping cost + VAT = Total cost

Service Charge: Our service charge is 5% which also includes your item insurance protection

Shipping cost: The cost of shipping your item from the US to Kenya

VAT: 16% of shipping cost + service charge


Example Costs of a $100 item weighing 1kg

Item cost = $100

Service charge is 5% of the item cost = $5

Shipping cost = $15/kg

Vatable amount is 16% of $5 +$15, = $3.20

Total Fees & Taxes $5 (processing) + $15 (shipping) + $3.20 (VAT) = $23.20

Total item cost = $123.20

copyright - kentexcargo.com
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