Create a FREE shipping account - fill out the form below.
Get a warehouse code + warehouse address
Shop anywhere in the USA and ship to that address
Once shipped, login to your account and give us your tracking number (Create a notification)
Your goods & packages delivered - Fast.
... Tell us where you want to receive your warehouse address and your secret code right now!
Sign up for a free and get your SECRET warehouse code so that you can shop & ship from any store in the USA, including Amazon, eBay, Walmart and many more.
Your favorite stores will ship your packages to our warehouse specifically addressed to you and we immediately let you know that we have received it. 100% transparent process.
We ship out your orders every Thursday by air and by the ocean every 4 weeks, notify you via email and text message and you can track them from the seller-to-our warehouse & to Kenya
We will deliver your packages to you in Kenya in 14 business days. You can choose to pick them up in our warehouse or we can organize delivery anywhere in the country.
You only pay $15/kg of chargeable weight which is all-inclusive. We deal with customs - so you do not have to. Finally, a solution to access US stores & brands.
We can help you shop and ship you from any store in the USA. In case your card is not accepted (Amazon will accept Equity Cards & other Major Bank Cards), we can do it on your behalf & deliver.
Amazon and other major stores accept equity cards and other major bank cards. All you need is our US warehouse address + your secret code when checking out and your packages will come straight to our warehouse.
In case you are not able to place your own orders, we can purchase on your behalf.
You pay here locally in Kenya and we'll send you a proof of purchase receipt as soon as we
purchase - and you can track it! A 100% transparent process.
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